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CALL OFFICE : :  334-365-6783


The Water Works Board is absolutely prohibited from providing free water service or forbearing on non-payment of bills under the Trust Indenture pursuant to which the Board has been allowed to borrow bond fund proceeds for necessary capital improvements to the water system.

This means that the Board is not allowed to adjust any charges for water that has been delivered through a customer's water meter. The point of delivery and sale for water is at the meter. Once water has been delivered through the meter, the water system has met its obligation. We have no control over the condition or operation of water service lines and appurtenances after they leave the point of sale. That is the responsibility of the customer.

Water rates are calculated to satisfy legal requirements for operating and maintaining the water system, and meeting debt service requirements. Once the water system has delivered water to the customer at the point of sale, the Water Works Board has incurred the cost of delivering that quantity of water and must collect for the water delivered.

We hope that this will help in understanding and appreciating the reasons for our policy of not making adjustments to water bill amounts.


We have had comments from our customers regarding summer sewer rates and their ability to know more closely when meter readings begin for the summer rate application in their area. Summer sewer rates enable sewer customers to take full advantage of this benefit which the city has provided for their sewer customers.

For customers east of Highway 31 (Cycle 1), summer sewer rates will begin with readings taken on March 28, 2024 and will end with readings taken on September 27, 2024. For customers west of Highway 31 (Cycle 2), summer sewer rates will begin with readings taken on April 8, 2024 and will end with readings taken on October 7, 2024.


We are pleased to present this year's Annual Water Quality Report (Consumer Confidence Report) as required by the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA). This report is designed to provide details about where your water comes from, what it contains, and how it compares to standards set by regulatory agencies. View report >>


A water meter is a device installed in the service line of a home to accurately measure the amount of water that a customer consumes. There are standards set by the America n Water Works Association which define the level of accuracy a meter is required to operate at. Meter manufacturers guarantee these standards are met when meters are purchased by the water utility. These standards ensure that water consumed by a customer will be accurately and fairly measured. Despite these standards, there will be situations when a consumer questions the accuracy of the water meter.


We would like to remind our customers that anytime you need to dig near a road or easement, please request a line locate first. We no longer offer line locate as a service. We now partner with Alabama 811 for all line locate requests. Click the button below for a locate request.

Request Line Locate View Adjustment Policy
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